Spįnn, ķbśšir- ašrar fasteignir.


 Stoliš af Eyjunni

Worse, Spain’s slippage comes amid the prospect of a serious downturn in its economy. Last week’s collapse of Martinsa-Fadesa, a large property developer, has been a reminder, if any were needed, of the massive scale of the Spanish property crash. Serious financial and economic distress is almost inevitable. Do not be fooled by the fact that Spanish banks had virtually no exposure to US subprime mortgages. Being exposed to Spanish mortgages is probably worse.

Spain is in a more delicate position than the US or the UK because, as a member of a monetary union, the country has fewer macroeconomic adjustment tools at its disposal. The dollar and the pound have devalued in real effective terms, while Spain has one of the hardest currencies in the world. Spanish interest rates have gone up while US rates have gone down.

(Fyrirsögn: The eurogroup has to shed its complacency)

By Wolfgang Münchau
Published: July 20 2008

Hver er žessi sem skrifar undir fréttina?


Ekki viršist hann vera neitt aš skafa af žvķ, aš Spįnn eigi ķ verulegum vandręšum VEGNA žess, aš žeir eru meš EVRU.


Hvaš ętli Įgśst og félagar segi um žetta??


Ógurlegt atvinnuleysi ķ Bretlandi, hrun į Spįni.


Allt ķ gśddż og viš į leišinni inn ķ fjöriš? 

Eša hvaš?


Geta Evrusinnar aldrei sagt satt orš um žetta allt saman?


Svo er kosiš aftur og aftur, žar til ,,įsęttanlegri nišurstöš " er nįš og allir tala um sigur lżšręšisins.

5o.5% sigur.


Viš höfum ekkert žarna inn aš gera.

Svissararnir eru meš TVĶHLIŠA SAMNING VIŠ ESB OG hafa žaš mun betur en ESB löndin.


Ég er EKKI til ķ, aš afhenda žessu liši ķslenska nįttśru og veitta žeim sömu re“tindi og okkur.  Ekki  glęta į žvķ.


Viš eigum okkar aušlindir og svo skal žaš vera ķ framtķšinni, žaš er žjóšarnaušsyn.


Skilur ekki ķ fulloršnu fólki aš vilja selja framtķš barna sinna fyrir lélegan sśpudisk.


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